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PR & Influencer

Since 2015, as a partner of Volvo Car Austria, we have been allowed to accompany what is probably the most exciting phase of mobility in 100 years as a creative event agency. The components of the heritage of the brand are its proverbial safety, the technical pioneering role, the design, and the culture of Volvo.

What started in 2015 with the Dome of Design in front of the MQ Vienna, with which we won the Austrian Event Award in Gold, later led to an impressive pop-up in the center of Vienna, at the Vienna Ice Room at Rathausplatz, lasting several weeks. The “Volvo Cube” there also won an Austrian Event Award. But not only statically, but also “on the road” we stage the brand: With the Recharge Tour through the whole of Austria we move to extravagant locations (whose environment we design and brand with a sure hand) to bring sustainable electric mobility of Volvo closer to the people using test drives and presentations.

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