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Mei Wirt
is' wert.


More than just “eating and drinking”. Vienna’s gastronomy is crucial to the social and economic coexistence of our lives. For a long time, it has defied many challenges and therefore deserves to be appreciated.
In order to anchor this also communicatively, we are launching the initiative MEI WIRT’ IS WERT together with the Fachgruppe Gastronomie der WKW and thus show the complexity and importance of the industry and its 6,500 businesses – with charming headlines paired with drawings by the international illustrator Catherine Potvin.


The movement is supported by friends and partners in the restaurant industry, such as Gösser, Almdudler, Transgourmet, Ottakringer, Kotányi, Kastner and Bieder & Maier.

Other interested parties are cordially invited to join the initiative with their own subjects and advertising packages.

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