KTHE Team Farner Werbe GmbH
Official address of the company
Lehárgasse 7/1/7
A-1060 Wien
Corporate purpose
Advertising agency
Contact details
Telephone +43 1 5225550
UID-N°: ATU71848156
Registered in the Austrian commercial register under the number 461607i
Commercial court of registration: Handelsgericht Wien
Member of the Chamber of Commerce Vienna
Organisations of Specialisation/Professions
– FG Werbung und Marktkommunikation(Advertising and market communication)
For further details see:
Applicable legislation and access to it
Code of Trade and Commerce:
Supervisory authority/Trade authority
Municipal authority office of the VI. district of Vienna
Information on Online Dispute Resolution
Consumers can lodge a complaint via the EU platform for online dispute resolution:
You can also directly lodge complaints via the e-mail address provided above.
Photo credits
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all photos are property of Kobza and The Hungry Eyes GmbH
Basic objective of the medium (website and newsletter):
Public relations and reporting about current topics concerning our services and those of our customers’ companies.
Legal notices and disclaimer of liability
1. Disclaimer of liability
The contents offered here serve as general information. We do not assume any warranty or liability for the accuracy, completeness, immediacy and accessibility of the provided information/services. No legal claims whatsoever can be derived from the use of any accessed information and services. They cannot replace extensive personal consultation.
References and links to other internet offers have been carefully selected. Their contents, accuracy, completeness, immediacy and accessibility are beyond our sphere of influence and we do not assume any warranty or liability for them.
We reserve the right to modify, extend or erase the information/services offered here and to fully or partially suspend our online presence, at any time and without notice.
We try our best to reduce problems with the access to our information/services due to malfunctions or incompatibilities to a minimum. We do not assume any warranty or liability for interruptions or other disturbances of our services.
2. Intellectual Property
All of the contents, designs/layouts as well as audio or video tracks are subject to copyright regulations. All rights are reserved by the copyright holder. Any changes are prohibited.
Any use of the information/services shall be permitted only with our consent and under the condition of clearly specifying and indicating the source. Anyone is at liberty to merely provide a link to our contents while simultaneously specifying the source, and needs no special permission.
3. Final provisions
The use of our information/services is subject to Austrian law exclusively.
If parts or single formulations of this text should not, no longer or not completely correspond to the current legal situation, the remaining parts remain untouched in their content and validity.